Data to enrich your communities

Turn your transportation data into actionable insights to build and support the communities you serve and care about.

DataPoint's map-based interface.

Trusted by leading transportation firms and agencies

Seal of the city of Alexandria, VirginaClackamas county logoPleasanton city logo

A better way to view your transportation data

Designed with city and county transportation agencies in mind DataPoint helps take your data from a series of files to actionable insights for your community.

Station cards

Browse your stations

Easily view your stations on the map and quickly find what you are looking for. Whether that is a midblock or an intersection, the latest information is at your fingertips.

Map icon

Live map view

View each station on a map of your agency's jurisdiction. Find trends and see where you have gaps in your data collection.

Upload icon

Upload your data at any time

DataPoint is an open platform allowing you to bring your historical data with you. Work with our team to map your data and get the most out of it. Have a recent collection file? Upload it whenever you want.

Map icon

Dive deep into details

Drill down to see station meta data, and interval-by-interval traffic counts and detailed graphs for visualizations.

View of stations and external layers on the DataPoint map.

GIS Core

DataPoint uses GIS as the backbone of our mapping interface. Any data layers that your city has access to in GIS can be displayed in DataPoint for integration with your traffic counts.

Public portal icon

Public portal

DataPoint allows you to create a public view to expose traffic data and more to your community members.

Share data icon.

Share data with other agencies

With a few clicks, admins from multiple DataPoint agencies can share traffic data with each other. Access and visualize shared data within your own portal.

File storage icon.

File storage

Have documents that you would like to share about a specific station? DataPoint can host files, making them available to whomever you choose.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the common questions people have when looking at DataPoint. If you have a specific question, don’t be afraid to get in touch.

How is DataPoint hosted?

DataPoint is hosted on Amazon Web Services and is managed by Quality Counts and the DataPoint team.

Is there a limit to the number of users that can use DataPoint?

There is no limit or cap on the number users for your DataPoint portal. Billing is per station and not based on the number of seats.

Who owns the data in DataPoint?

The customer retains complete ownership of their data, and Quality Counts does not resell data or use it for other commercial purposes.

Can I import my existing traffic data?

DataPoint currently supports importing traffic data from most commonly used formats. Our mission is to make importing data a frictionless process for the agencies.

Can I export data out of DataPoint?

Yes, as long as you are an administrator of your DataPoint instance you will always have the option to export your station data.

What are DataPoint’s security and privacy standards?

Our infrastructure is configured in accordance with AWS best practices to ensure industry standards in data integrity, confidentiality, availability and data privacy.

Ready to dive in?
Schedule a demo with us today.

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Image of the DataPoint map interface.